Thursday, April 29, 2010

Local Celebrity of the Day: Solo Spear St. Mystery Twin Lady

So I've decided that I'm going to start featuring people that I see on a regular basis throughout my day-to-day life in the city.  These people to me are local celebrities as I see them frequently yet know very little about who they are.  I tend to imagine brief personal biographies from the small surface level observations I am able to make.

Today's celebrity is an elderly woman that can be spotted almost daily near the Southwest corner of Market and Spear streets.  This lady has a peculiar style that I would say is all her own, except for the fact that she has an identical twin that dresses exactly the same as she does.  I typically only see one of them on this corner and wonder if the other is off on another corner asking for spare change, and if they alternate spots.  I imagine the two of them living together in cluttered single room apartment somewhere nearby.

I've been a curious about these two ladies for quite some time now and have yet to muster up the gall to actually speak to them.  So I did what any indisposed human would do, I Googled the terms "San Francisco, twins, sisters."  I learned a little bit about the famous Brown Sisters, however there was next to nothing about the two ladies that I see near my place of employment.  She/they stand in a high traffic area so I know many people see her/them daily like I do, yet there's little to no word about them on the ol' interwebs.  Eventually I suppose I'll ask them about themselves but until that day all I have is speculation.

The only other evidence I could find online of these ladies together was a photo from lnkyhack's flickr stream:

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